Makes 1 750-ml bottle

1 750-ml bottle 80-proof vodka, preferably local
1 whole dried stem, including leaves, flowers, and seeds, of each of the following plants: dill, citrus marigold, fennel, lemon verbena, Sweet Annie, and Thai basil
Place the dried herbs, flowers, and seeds into a clean, quart-sized glass jar. Pour the alcohol into the jar, submerging the botanicals. Infuse for at least a week in a cool, dark place. The longer the herbs infuse, the more bitter the end product will be. We’ve infused for years. Once you are satisfied with the infusion, which should be fragrant and tinted a light yellow, strain it back into the original bottle.
You can also preserve your herb and flower harvest with single-varietal infusions, separating each herb or flower in its own jar. Try bottling fresh citrus marigold or rugosa rosein the summer. Shiso, basil, oregano, hyssop, lovage, coriander, and even parsley all make delicious infusions. Start building your botanical barstock. When the days shorten, you’ll be grateful for the sweet, herbal flavors of summer.