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Open Today: Wisconsin Drive-Ins
A couple of the best are in Kenosha
How to Fry Chicken of the Woods
A recipe for mushrooms foraged by four-year-olds
A Last Slice of Summer
When good peaches are hard to find, treat them simply
Editor’s Letter: Pawpaw Pleasures
Getting to know the "Indiana banana"
Field Guide: American Elder
It ushers in the summer with flowers, then sees it out again with berries
How to Make Quick Pickles
Right now, you want something cool, crisp, and refreshing
Field Guide: Wild Blackberries
Another way to make your berry harvest last
Thimbleful of Flavor
Delicate and fleeting, thimbleberries are a taste of the north
Field Guide: Oyster Mushrooms
They aren't hard to find. Here's what to do with them.
Field Guide: Black Raspberries
A summertime treat that grows in hedgerows across the Midwest
Field Guide: Wild Blueberries
Good for pies, hand pies, jam, pickles, vinegar, shrubs...
Midwesterner is a publication about food and agriculture in the American Midwest.